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Showing results 10304 to 10323 of 40566 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
13-Aug-2018Obese girls have increased risk of depression - studyN/A, N/A
8-Sep-2021Obese kids less likely to get inhaler benefitN/A, N/A
8-Jun-2021Obesity 'trebles risk of virus hospital admission'N/A, Patrick Ryan
28-Feb-2022Obesity affects productivityYap, Jun
1-Apr-2022Obesity contributing to individual health risks, economic burdenSingh, Rajvinder
19-Nov-2021Obesity increases vulnerability to Covid infection, say doctorsN/A, N/A
17-Nov-2022Observe proper diet, sleep and physical activities to prevent obesity–vergeireMocon-Ciriaco, Claudeth
18-Mar-2021OCTA says QC has highest infection rateAyeng, Raffy; Antolin, Paula
7-Dec-2021OCTA: QC winning war vs COVID-19Punongbayan, Michael
15-Sep-1989Odon Sabarre and the People's Center School of Dance Leyte and Samar-
10-Dec-2020Of Canvas and Moodle: Educators weigh in on new learning platformsMocon-Ciriaco, Claudette; Reyes, Rizal Raoul
9-Oct-2018Of Libraries, in the age of the InternetSicam, Paulynn
27-Aug-2024Of senses, and senseSmith, Dana
9-Feb-2018OFB, Alibaba unit partnership eyedDe Vera, Ben
12-Jul-2019Office Order No. 22, S-2019Belmonte, Mayor Ma. Josefina G.
18-Jul-2019Office Order No. 24, S-2019Belmonte, Mayor Ma. Josefina G.
2-Aug-2019Office Order No. 27-A, S-2019Belmonte, Mayor Ma. Josefina G.
1-Jul-2019Office Order No. 01, 2019Belmonte, Mayor Ma. Josefina G.
1-Jul-2019Office Order No. 02, S-2019Belmonte, Mayor Ma. Josefina G.