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Showing results 40004 to 40023 of 40573 < previous   next >
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
22-Dec-2020Vaccinating against fake newsSalvana, Edsel Maurice
14-Jan-2022Vaccinating children does more than protect adults—StudyN/A, N/A
11-May-2021Vaccination for tricycle driversN/A, N/A
4-Aug-2024Vaccination in QC targets cervical cancer eliminationGonzales, Iris
13-Oct-2021Vaccination lowers risk of severe virus symptomsN/A, N/A
18-Jan-2021Vaccination sites identifiedN/A, N/A
14-Apr-2021Vaccination sites set up in QC mallsPedrajas, Joseph
12-Jul-2021Vaccine benefits 'outweigh' rare heart condition riskN/A, N/A
22-Nov-2021'Vaccine booster effective in people with cancer'N/A, N/A
16-Dec-2021Vaccine efficacy against severe COVID drops slightlyN/A, N/A
2-Dec-2021Vaccine efficacy v. Omicron - what we knowTercatin, Rossella
27-Aug-2021Vaccine prevents hospitalization of COVID-19 cases - QC DoctorNievera, Allysa
5-Jul-2021Vaccines and long-term Covid-19 symptomsYasunari, Ramon; Suarez, Taguchi
3-Sep-2021Vaccines effective at reducing severe illness: Lancet studyN/A, N/A
25-Oct-2021Vaccines less protective for multiple myeloma patientsN/A, N/A
12-Oct-2021Vaccines prevent severe infection, even from Delta, says French studyN/A, N/A
4-Jan-2021Valenzuela reports zero firecracker-related injuryCalalo, Arlie
27-Mar-2019Vape users urged to follow QC ordinanceMateo, Janvic
24-Jun-2018Vape warningN/A, N/A
14-Jun-2018Vapers want scientific data for smoking cessationRonda, Rainier Allan