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dc.contributor.authorTamayo, Emilio G.-
dc.description.abstractIssuance of a Certificate of Exception to Petitioner Web-Jet Investment & Development Corporation for the construction of a 6-storey commercial building along E. ROodriguez Avenue, Barangay Bagumabayan, District III, QCen_US
dc.publisherCity Councilen_US
dc.subjectResolution No. 1997en_US
dc.titleResolution No. 761, S-97en_US
dc.title.alternativeA resolution authorizing the issuance of a Certificate of Exception to petitioner Web-Jet Investment & Development Corporation for the construction of a 6-Storey commercial building located along E. Rodriguez Avenue, Barangay Bagumbayan, District III, Quezon City, in accordance with the provisions of the "The Quezon City Zoning Ordinance of 1992".en_US
Appears in Collections:QC Resolution

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