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dc.subjectEducation's role to Philippines 2000 (w/ photo p.4)-
dc.subjectThe faculty in teacher education: a crucial role (p.6)-
dc.subjectThe nightmarish global warming: averting a fate too late? (w/ photos p.8)-
dc.subjectHow about student's cooperative (p.10)-
dc.subjectThe power of media (p.11)-
dc.subjectSan Diego wins QCPSTA presidency (w/ photo p.13)-
dc.subjectJICA donates science study package (w/ photo p.13)-
dc.subjectSchools principals get teaching load p.13)-
dc.subjectPeople's day at NHS p.13)-
dc.subjectWriting to read program gains headway p.13)-
dc.subjectDECS issues guidelines for productivity pay-
dc.subjectCommunity-based preschool organized-
dc.subjectSpeech lab at PES operaional-
dc.subjectCongress gives top priority to quality education in RP (p.15)-
dc.subjectMore incentives for male teachers (w/ photos p.15)-
dc.subjectDECS creates functional science equipment prototypes (p.15)-
dc.subjectRotarians: active partners in school undertakings (w/ photos p.16)-
dc.subjectDECS-NCR Valencia search for outstanding campus journalists and school papers-
dc.subjectWinners in the 1994-1995 Pasig contests in Journalism (p.21)-
dc.subjectDivision search for the most outstanding EMIS 1994-1995-
dc.subjectDivision mathematics competition ranking of schools (p.23)-
dc.subjectRovel wows 'em with his arts (w/ photos p.24)-
dc.subjectBuko beverage: melts uninary tract stones (w/ photo)-
dc.subjectIodine deficiency induces goiter among school kids (w/ photo p.29)-
dc.subjectNo fuel, electricity, homemade stove, heater-
dc.subjectConserving nature for a better life-
dc.subjectHome arts and crafts-
dc.subjectTeachers' code of ethics (w/ photo)-
dc.titleQuezon City Teachers Gazette, Vol. VI No. 1en_US
Appears in Collections:Quezon City Facts and Figures

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