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dc.contributor.authorLiban, Shaira "Shay" L.-
dc.subjectExpressing the Warmest Commendation and Congratulations of the City Mayor, Honorable Ma. Josefina G. Belmonte, to the School of the Holy Spirit of QC Choraleen_US
dc.subjectResolution 2023en_US
dc.titleResolution No. SP-9422, S-2023en_US
dc.title.alternativeA Resolution Expressing the Warmest Commendation and Cngratulations of the City mayor, Honorable Ma. Josefina G. Belmonte, the City Vice Mayor, Honorable Gian G. Sotto, and the Honorable members of the 22nd Quezon City Council to the school of Holy Spirit of Quezon City Chorale for winning the gold diploma in category equal voices and sacred music during a voyage of songs (AVOS) International Choir Festival held in Bangkok, Thailand on August l to 4, 2023en_US
Appears in Collections:QC Resolution

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