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Title: Boracay Mansion
Keywords: Boracay mansion auctioned off today
COA reviews records of Boracay mansion
Quezon City: it's mansion or nothing
Cleanup of Boracay mansion finally begins
QC gov't asserts claim over Boracay mansion
QC gov't, Sandigan tussle over Boracay mansion cleanup
Belmonte seeks halt to auction of Boracay manse
'Boracay mansion' in QC attracts many inquiries
Delay in sale of 2 'Boracay mansion' lots in QC seen
City wants Boracay lot excluded from auction
Despite QC plea, 'Boracay' auction on
Sandigan sheriff won't stop auction of Boracay mansion
QC to Sandiganbayan: hands off Boracay mansion
QC gov't, Sandigan battle looms over Boracay mansion
QC gov't to Sandigan: prove Boracay mansion is Erap's
QC: prove Erap owns Boracay mansion
'Boracay mansion" has 2 titles
Boracay mansion tidied up for auction
Quezon City govt may face contempt over Boracay mansion
QC govt to convert Boracay mansion without Erap ok
QC gov't not planning to sell Boracay mansion
Boracay mansion soon a museum
QC eyeing Erap mansion as lib, museum
Battle for Boracay mansion
QC gov't, Sandigan fight over Erap mansion
Issue Date: Sep-2007
Appears in Collections:Quezon City News Clippings

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Boracay Mansion.pdfThe prime property the Court has ordered seized as part of former Pres. Estrada's assets.27.17 MBAdobe PDFView/Open

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