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dc.contributor.authorLagumbay, Wencerom Benedict C.-
dc.subjectTo Sign the Deeds of Donation to be donated in favor of beneficiaries residing in District 1V, Quezon Cityen_US
dc.subjectResolution 2025en_US
dc.titleResolution No. SP-10001, S-2025en_US
dc.title.alternativeA Resolution Authorizing the City Mayor, Honorable Ma. Josefina G. Belmont, To Sign the Deeds of Donation involving two hundred thirty seven(237) bicycles with helmets, sixty 960) mobile food carts with bicycles, eighty (80) ambulant vendor cats with bicycles, one hundred fifty-nine (159) collapsible tents, one hundred seventy (170) modular tents and two hundred fifty (250) quad canes to be donated in favor of beneficiaries residing in District 1V, Quezon Cityen_US
Appears in Collections:QC Resolution

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